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Learning Something New Every Time

Learning Something New Every Time

Submitted by: Gilbert Garcia, ACV Supervisor Level III

Being a participant in the TEAM Up program has helped me grow my career in more ways than one. It has given me so many opportunities to gain exposure in different departments within our Company.

As a mentee, I was able to partner with top talent to help me in areas that I may have been struggling with in my position, and I was given best practices, training, and development to help me be more efficient in my day-to-day operations.

As a mentor, I really try to inspire, coach, and pass on all the skills I have learned in my career. I learn something new every time I am teamed up with someone, even as a mentor, because we have so much amazing talent that we can all learn from and be inspired by. Because of the program I now have so many connections and resources I can reach out to. But best of all, I have built some amazing friendships

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