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The Warm Winter Drive was a Success!

The Warm Winter Drive was a Success!

Submitted by: Maggie Yarbrough, Social Media and PR Strategist

Throughout the month of February, we held our first Company-wide Warm Winter Clothing Drive. The clothing donated consisted of new and gently used blankets, coats, sweatshirts, hats, gloves, mittens, boots, and scarves. Thanks to the generous support of our customers, communities, and team members – we collected 11,925 items of clothing, totaling $111,895, and impacting around 549 charities. Our team really came together to make this initiative a huge success!

Stores across the country held separate winter clothing drives for many years, which is why we decided it was time to bring everyone together as one team to support those in our local communities who need it the most.
One Dallas, Texas district of stores in particular really shined! They collected 1,730 items and together as a region, they collected and donated more than 4,000 items, which is amazing!

Shaunna Harris, General Manager and her team partnered with Power of Grace Ministry for their donations. The founder of the Ministry, Ms. Pat, serves South Dallas Area Homeless and Tent City. Much to Shaunna’s surprise, Ms. Pat’s Ministry was on the verge of shutting down due to the lack of funds and donations. But, with Shaunna making it a point to pick up the entire Districts’ donations of over 1,700 items of clothing, the Power of Grace Ministry was saved from closing its doors!

Ms. Pat was overjoyed with the amount of donations Shaunna brought in that day thanking her from the bottom of her heart and the hearts of those they will help with the donations. She explained “It was not a coincidence that you held a drive and happened to pick this charity out of all the others in Dallas, it was meant to be”.

Stories like Shaunna’s and her district is why we as a Company have made our many communities a main priority. Giving back is not only part of our Company initiatives, it’s a part of our culture. We help people. We help our customers, our team members, and our communities- and we help people like Ms. Pat. Team members are willing to go above and beyond to donate items to those in need, as well as, go out of their way to help out a neighboring ministry in need of donations.

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