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My Asian Heritage

My Asian Heritage

My name is Charlie Chan, Asian American and a General Manager for TitleMax® in Las Vegas, NV. I started with TitleMax® in California in 2016 and relocated to TitleMax® of Nevada in the middle of 2020. I grew up in Manila, Philippines, and was raised in two different cultures—Filipino and Chinese heritage—which I consider a blessing because I was able to embrace diversity early.

The Philippines proudly boasts to be the only Christian nation in Asia with more than 86% of the population Roman Catholic1. Easter is one of the most important “Holy Weeks” as we remember Christ’s passion—his suffering, death, and resurrection. Growing up in the Philippines, the entire nation would shut down every year for two days, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. This shutdown meant no TV shows, no movie theaters, no shopping mall, and no restaurants. Every single business closed for two days. As a sign of respect to Christ, during this national shutdown, everyone stops eating meat and eats only fish. Come Easter Sunday, it’s the celebration of the Christ’s resurrection and everyone goes to church to rejoice in how the world has been saved.

The Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) is the most important celebration in Chinese heritage. The festival signals the beginning of Spring and the start of a new year, according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The Chinese New Year is never on January 1st as it is in the United States. The Chinese New Year falls in the period between January 21st to February 20th. It’s believed that wearing new clothes from head to toe symbolizes a new start and fresh hopes for the New Year. Red is considered the color of good luck, believed to scare away spirits of bad fortune. Some of my family’s traditions during the Chinese New Year are visiting family members, decorating, giving gifts and greetings, and having a big family meal.

I am proud to embrace both cultures. I believe embracing both heritages helps me understand diversity better. My two cultural roots have allowed me to always respect everyone’s traditions and try to understand other cultures that differ from my own. I am so proud to be a part of a Company that celebrates all diversity groups, including my Asian American Heritage.

  1. Miller, Jack.; Religion in the Philippines,, 2010  
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