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The Drive to Succeed

The Drive to Succeed

In my role as a VP of Operations, I try to meet every single person on my team in every store in my division. My team is important to me and I work very hard to foster an atmosphere of development and guidance to help team members learn and grow in their roles and to prepare them for their future roles within our Company. Every once in a while, I meet someone extra special that stands out from the others. I want to introduce everyone to someone who has made a remarkable impression on me, her team leaders, and her peers and tell you her incredible story.

Aide Herrera began her career with TitleMax as an Arizona Store Manager in May of 2012. Hoping to provide a better life for her family, she leaves her home in Mexicali B.C., Mexico at 4:00 a.m. to begin the long commute into work. Aide is living a binational life- she lives in Mexico, but travels to the United States daily through the SENTRI (Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection) program. The line of commuters crossing the border can take anywhere from 1-2 hours plus the additional hour to reach the store, which makes for a 3-4 hour one-way commute just to arrive at work each day!

She works hard all day and then makes the 3-4 hour trip back to Mexico usually arriving at her home around 9:00 p.m. This is when her time with her family begins. She cares for her children before bed, usually doesn’t get to bed herself until after midnight. It makes for a very long day, but Aide remains positive and makes those days productive!

Aide is an excellent team member, who goes above and beyond and gives 110% every day. Since her very first day with our Company, Aide set a goal for herself to become a General Manager, and through her sheer determination and strong work ethic, she recently achieved that goal! She is now a General Manager thanks to her drive to be successful.

I have enjoyed working with Aide and look forward to helping every team member progress toward their career goals.

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