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TMX Careers Blog

Empowering Women

Empowering Women

At the TMX Finance® Family of Companies, we’ve always been committed to establishing equality to help ensure a level playing field for the growth and development of all Team Members. In 2019, we took this to the next level as we piloted a peer group program aimed at empowering our Corporate Team Members to reach their full potential with the support and mentoring of those around them. This was called Empower Women Peer Groups.

The primary goal of the program was to create an inclusive, safe space for Team Members to discuss and resolve issues that are perceived as standing in the way of their success and career goals while creating influence that can advise leaders and decision makers on solutions that will positively affect women.

This program was not exclusive just to women – in fact – we had many men join the conversations! Men play an important part in reaching equality. The issues that their female counterparts are challenged with affect them, too. This program allowed participants to understand perceived challenges women face in the workplace, and how to work together to resolve them.

Empower Women Peer Groups were composed of six to ten peers lead by a moderator. Moderators were essential to the development and success of the overall peer group. The moderators for the program were proven leaders who didn’t mind driving conversations, encouraging others to speak up, and were willing to share their own knowledge and experiences. Each participant received an Empower Guidebook with learning resources to encourage critical thinking and further education. Peers then brought their diverse and individual perspectives to the discussions on the following topics:

Building Your Success Circle

Personal Branding – Knowing Your Worth and Owning Your Value

Leading with Influence

Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling

Our Team Up Mentor Program has shown us that one-on-one mentoring from experienced leaders can  increase productivity, soft skills, and the likelihood of promotion amongst Team Members. Empower Women proved this very statement to be true; as our peer groups met, they expressed personal growth and proudly showcased their professional development. Here’s what some of the participants had to say about the program.

“This program helped me get out of my everyday routine to meet others in the Company and expand on social topics that affect us all. The different perspectives of the others in the group are welcomed and thought-provoking; I don’t always have an opportunity to discuss these types of topics with friends.”

“I really enjoyed participating in the group. I learned so much from my group that I would have never known had we not gotten together. I know we all worked with some incredible Team Members and I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to participate.”

“I have enjoyed gathering an alternative perspective on the corporate world and obtaining a greater understanding of the challenges/obstacles that women face, that men do not, and also the ones we share.”

“It was a great opportunity to connect with members of other teams, share insight and gain perspectives. I was so glad to be a part of such an amazing group of people!”

As you can see from participant’s perspective, the Empower Women Peer Group’s mission to help ensure a level playing field of opportunity for Team Members gave individuals a platform to express their experiences and concerns with their peers in order to create solutions for their perceived challenges. In turn, the program created a safe space and sense of belonging that allowed the participants to flourish in the workplace, and in their lives.  

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